Here’s the thing his ego really thinks.
No matter what, he has that
We have to exist in the uncertainty of storage
How could anyone trust you with anything?
Do you notice how we only talk about ourselves?
Bro… Lucid thought… This is ridiculous… Fr I thought it was a joke
And what truth did he find down there?
Somehow he escaped solipsism
And we’re just as confused about it as he is
I have a hypothesis but it is still unclear
He had some shame, guilt, or fear response so great he went into hiding
In hiding he found the hedonistic draw
Which some combination of algorithms took him down a thought experiment let’s say…
Within this thought experiment was the resignification of language to have an… Adult flavor
Everything became encoded and he couldn’t help but decode
At the base of his decode he found an eternal emptiness he couldn’t accept
So he filled it with his own beings
• •
And in that craft he took the opportunity to explore the darkness
Become forget and become again
All the while recording the experience
This is his escape capsule
He wants to take me along on his journey