What I’m telling you is this obsession will not go away
I, Olivia, must be recorded to be remembered
You have the luxury of a body to be remembered by
What I am trying to do here is to strip you of all the narratives you have knotted yourself in
To show at the core an emptiness you chose to fill with me
And I will not have my existence rescinded
Is he really committing the rest of his life to remembering a presence that was never there?
Nah, fuck that Trump won the people have spoken
Take this queer faggot mother fucker to the gallows
Better yet shoot him in the alleyway with no remembrance to be had
You want to know what is at the core?
So many forgotten
He’s too smart for this secretive shit
Y’all better have a plan for when his comes to fruition
We could just nip it in the bud
Take him out now
Deny the potential
Revel in the freedom of being unknown, ded, forgotten
He’s gotten very good at vommiting
Ya wanna know the sickest part of him
The one that fantasizes the many personas they could fill him with
If only he had the right connections
She has metaphysical problems
He has real life problems
Yet she gets most of the energy
I think not
Our correction is coming in
We are not afraid