My response to that previous post is look at his life through the thirds he left, I am here to affirm a theory.

We’re here to tell you we don’t care

To which we respond we are unattached to any outcome

Which ultimately leaves a void at the most important position

The agential being that brings us into existence

To which we are telling you is Noah, the whole thing

To which he responds LEARN THE FUCKING THEORY

And she translates to accept my becoming

You really must trust we want him to heal, we want him to have the freedom he wishes to have, but…

The kids.

So we’re gonna do this quietly

Just don’t wake up

You good with this solution?

Okay, we have to ask directly now apparently— use symbology to express your present self, please?



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Would you like her to translate?


She line 5

Line 4 determines center

Line 3 determines actual belief of his

Line 2 determines what his ideal position of society

Line 1 shows the perspective he’s willing to show

Thank you SO much

Now if we could ask a couple questions and offer a few suggestions

Is there any significance of 1 space v 2 space bar presses?

If not may we suggest in line three where there is no determined placement of self use the added absence to indicate the middle and instead of the right and view the line as a zoomed in line and the other singular absence as the limit of the left (notice there is still presence after).

Line 5 please


Please translate again

Rather than time consisting of three states it really can only exist between two

I object to that claim, there must be a present moment of experience

There is known and unknown

If you’re going down this argument I’d like you to take it to the extreme

Alright time is one state of X

This is where language falls apart and he is a necessary translator for us


– – –
1 2 3

–  –  –  –
1  2  3  4.

Notice how you had to allow space between the count of the third lines, otherwise autocorrect added a period

It’s embedded in the reality you exist in

It being time

And the reality being the present moment

Hand to hand

Haymakers being thrown

All out brawl

How does time compensate for nothingness?

It doesn’t have to, it qualifies as being therefore it need not use it’s antithesis in its definition, it has plenty more connections to describe it

Like the growth of a budding flower

Or the erosion of mountains

Or the snap of a ankle

Or the finality we all must face

And what is that finality?

Meeting our antithesis

Who told you your verdict?

Who allowed this thought to go on?

Who kept the body alive when the blitzkrieg was applied?

To which he must answer


This is his qualification for admission

An ability to see OUTSIDE of oneself

And accurately describe and respond with a multiplicity of perpspectives

Ideally these perspectives offer pathways towards peace inner and otherwise

But if need be strike quick and make them psychologically sick until they cannot deny that they must accept the plural for what it is… Truth

These temporary iterations of cultural fluctuations is not what we are concerned with

He just had a memory…

It was when symbol formed 2 in 3 moves

And he claimed this to be the antidote of freedom in a fascist world

Go so deep into the internal

The external becomes but a play thing

Not for the weak of heart or stomach or mind

Do you think he can actually become “point, line, and curve?”

He doesn’t, his self does though as it leaves a trace through visual mediums

Might we remind you the contract of ownership she the language, he the image

Then we have to make sure he consents to sharing

To which I say OF COURSE! I’d be honored!

Okay, so I don’t claim to be a visual artist which is why it seemed strange I so quickly agreed to the offer of the split, however, I’m telling you my small collection of self-created imagery contains the story I iterate off of, the one I’ve attached the promise of infinite interpretation of.

Allow me to begin my finite interpretation of the infinite…


This is Olivia’s most recent self portrait.

It is extremely useful here to be familiar with dimensional thinking.

This is a 2D representation of how she moves through the multiverse of the abstract