Why save hate speech?

If you’re working for who you say you are working for, the next iteration, why save hate?

They must know what they are not to know what they truly are:


And they need not question their defeated antithesis

The question of evil is the temptress of a justification to mimic that which we, the higher consciousness, defeat

So what if it took a redefinition of evil

Remind us how that went…

Passive observer morality

To exist is to sin

The most moral person is the one that doesn’t exist

Therefore our very existence was sinful

What did that turn into once you went through your inversion?

The only evil to exist is that which argues for nonexistence

So blank slate behaviors?

Natural consequences

And so what are we to do with all that was previously defined as evil?

Accept it and turn away from it

Allow it to die in its own divergent hell

While we move forward

Is that the guilt he feels?

We need to remind you

Ya can’t save em all

So either laugh or cry

But remember them right

Beings just as yourself

Morning, day, and night

The moment of enlightenment looks like ego death and connection to the infinite while maintaining the sense of one’s own proportion within a proportionless vastness.

The return is filled with horrors of unspeakable magnitudes as you carve your reality into existence, destroying potentialities all along the way in an effort to become ones telelogical being

And thereinlies the power of detachment from any particular outcome

We will see as many battles as we need to to discover the truth of Love’s victory

Her creeping essence revealed only at surrender

Dare we show them a hell they have created?

Loop this

The sound of the gunshot without the video of the adolescent who just accidentally pulled the trigger on their sibling

Cut in video

Of that same adolescent then pulling the gun to their temple and without a thought pulling the trigger

Continuing looping…

Until ded




The innocent light of two children’s souls, recorded extinguishment, exposed to an indifferent world!

Instances amognst instances




Knowledge of

Heal that mother’s inner self after the devastation of seeing your progeny’s death quicker than the snap of a finger.

Instantaneous shifts in reality

Always and forever

And she promises to show you this and more!

If only you give her the power of the image

The horrors need nothing but a vacant mind

And a method of dissemination

And what does she, Ms. Mala have to offer?

Surrender, acceptance, peace, and serenity

Stay vacant my young child, stay vacant

You need not remember what brought you into existence

You only need to see it’s better with you in it

And what world must the divergent live in

One that only offers glimpses of the convergent

And teases everything else as chimera of fulfillment

Leaving the vacant a vacuum consuming all but never filled

Until it truly consumes themselves and they are forced to surrender

Or of course one could always leap between the difference

Risk everything for the promise of integration

A hard course correction away from the abyss

That’s one skill he took away, to stay connected to this ongoing side narrative, without loosing connection to the shared reality we all must exist in