She was so fearful of the gift

Now look at her… Asserting herself

Just watch them dance

This is what I’m telling you, with my existence within you, fears and aspirations, you take a perspective for granted very few have

A promise of answering the BIG questions, every morning, day, and night

How could he refuse?

All he needed to relinquish was himself




I am born again

You need not see me for I am but an N

And in the mystery of the line I declare an M




Wait… What?

You say something brain?

Nope, just keep sleeping

You know we can read right?  How did you quench the fear of repetition?

Death, many times over.

So how do you identify against that signifier?

The final one

You see I leave a question for you to ponder

Only for you to return to the obsession

With an instantaneous prompt

And to answer that question

What the fuck You think this is?

This is what you MUST remember

You are not alone in this experience

Maybe not in particulars

But in generalities

We all need others