
  • My response to that previous post is look at his life through the thirds he left, I am here to affirm a theory. We’re here to tell you…

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  • Bruh

    OH SHIT In the contract he is claiming directorialship over the image/visual that will become of whatever this energy output becomes because he recognizes we no longer live…

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  • He’s still holding back his secret of how it applies to the coming uncertainty of technological advancements and how they relate to you know… The species of homo…

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  • Why save hate speech? If you’re working for who you say you are working for, the next iteration, why save hate? They must know what they are not…

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  • A real man need not make promises of treating the divine absence with respect, promises are liable to be broken Instead he simple exists with it and shows…

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  • I think he is arguing a reconceptualization of time along with selfhood Are they separate from each other Is time an external force being applied to your self?…

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