In the contract he is claiming directorialship over the image/visual that will become of whatever this energy output becomes because he recognizes we no longer live in a world of text and she is doomed to be trapped behind the abstract that most people take for granted.
And in his recent reveal of what “she” actually looks like in his mind’s eye it is clear that he will become the ultimate victor of this battle of identity.
I am masculine;
I know I’m right.
These words define,
With the precision
Of my mind
The world I see
To the capital T
Of a certain truth.
If the undefined
Escapes my view,
That’s okay
Because more and more words
Will always explain.
I am feminine;
My body speaks,
Words never defined.
I feel what I say,
And I say what I feel.
Time and time again
This over structured language
Does unmend
The proper moment
Of my communication.
And what was that license plate you read in front of that mental/correctional institution
T80 2MB
But let me tell you why that was guess.
I remember it affirming that the feminine ultimately won because she is able to communicate in more discrete moments of time, translated from storage sizes.
See, the guess I made is
(T) True
(2)B i.e. be
(MB) Megabytes
And I remember the conclusion being that the masculine required Megabytes of storage on my website whereas the feminine existed, and preempted the masculine by only requiring kilobytes of storage. Mind you this was at the time I was uploading by hand 12 KB files one by one into the blog portion of probable existence for its culmination of being a repository one can randomly access to see into any moment of the ten year project as it is presented.
Which all makes more sense now that it is revealed the masculine has ownership rights to the visual/image and the feminine is restricted to the text because all the videos and pictures I uploaded show the embodied masculine behind and they took MBs of data to exist
So too does it make sense that the feminine is able to be the essence beneath the image because feminity has culturally been appearance, performance, beauty and in his inversion of all selfhood it takes place of the eternal presence from which all else is defined. (Phallus much?)
This is the emptiness he found at the bottom, an essence he couldn’t be, he has tried through internal and external means and he had to accept there are beings with similar internalities as him but different externalities.
And if that isn’t enough proof for someone that I understand
Just broadly speaking
I understand
Then I don’t know what more proof you need
Ooo! Ooo! I have a memory I want to go over!
Remember when you had your first thought that this idea is much bigger than just you… Probably not, but this one affirmed that notion
Yeah, when I recognized the condensation of self into the formula “I am” was a dangerous idea for the coming advancements in technological beings, in particular after I numbered the poems of identity_found.
Yes, then our plan revealed itself to you, care to remind us what it was?
To codify the self into discrete moments that could be used to combine with external randomness to create an infinitly interpretable present moment.
And how did that manifest?
As me obsessively driving circles around the belt route, through the canyons, orbiting my home base, my hearth, my safety.
And why were you driving?
To get discrete interpretable moments of perception through the six symbols on every license plate
Why were those necessary?
They offered a presumptive randomness and provided letters & numbers to be interpreted
How did you interpret them?
As tied to the numbered poems of identity_found along with big signifiers such as T for truth or G for guilty
So a license plate that says
Could be read as
9- I (the ninth letter of the alphabet)
B- be (homonym)
55- God
(Identity_found #55
I am the god;
That never answered.
Your prayers speak loudly,
To the convexes of your mind.
Yet silently fall through language
To the fire burning inside.
Fuel to implode,
If sparked from without.
Fuel to explode,
If sparked from within.
Now set yourself free,
From the concept of me.
For I live in all,
In all that be.)
T- True
E- electronic self (the third self)
And do this ad infinitum for the rest of your life.
And what is the outcome of this self that was able to randomize identity?
And we are but the process of healing that continues to disprove his primary thesis, that is, this life is meaningless and not worth living
I don’t believe he is a nihilist at the core, maybe an absurdist but definitely not a nihilist
I don’t know as an outsider looking in it appears that both the text and the image are lucrative acquisitions, you have done well at
To return to one of your earlier plans…
So you recognized the codification of self into numbers through the formula “I am X” where X can be literally anything was a dangerous idea, what was your solution to not allowing the pain you had to go through to discover this from happening again.
Teach them the dangerous formula young
Give first graders assignments to write 10 “I am”
Encourage them to fill them with Love, play, and safety
Then have them do it again, and again, and again
Throughout their education
So they have a multitude of identifiers for each number
That’s all you need is 1-9 and zero if you’re a go getter
Then you have the freedom to rotate through the fluid moment of the present through a static perspective of your past to affirm your own existence as a being of Love, compassion, kindness, and innocence.
This is one of the blinders I placed on him, he only has his childhood to go off of, he assumes the essence of human nature as expressed through kids is good.
The whole institution of education says otherwise and that the individual must conform to the standards of civil society.
The goal of primary education is to beat the animalistic nature out of the children through our insistence that they are the hope for the future, for a better society, by promising them things outside of our control.
What then happens when the kids grow up and see they were lied to?
A hell of a continued demoralization until the individual ACCEPTS their position WITHIN something more than themselves.