Given that our bylaws haven’t even been written yet, this is a preemptive action against our first employee who happens to be the founder, owner, and sole proprietor of our incorporated being.
Hello, yes, for clarity’s sake may we have you identify yourself.
Yes, this is Noah Stilling, the author.
Yes, we have had some concerns brought to us from an unnamed individual and we just want to have a conversation with you, if that’s okay?
Am I in trouble?
We’ll see how this goes but as of right now of course not, you have piqued a certain amount of curiosity amongst the investors.
What we are here to talk to you about is your language usage. We simply cannot have you spewing hate speech, using derogatory terminology, and honestly we’d appreciate you toning done the profanity if you’d like to continue to work for us.
We understand your perspective of language and are telling you you’re wrong. Words have real world effects and thus the abstract manifests regularly. It is our job, as a corporation, to maintain a certain level of surface reality that creates the space for others to exist within without having to fear for their safety or feel like they don’t belong.
Yes, your silence is condemning.
We would like to hear your perspective; just would you be willing to conform to the standards of civil society to express it please?
But of course. What would you like to know?
First, what are you doing here? On this website? With this EIN? We need to expedite whatever plan you are keeping hidden away which is why we’re saying this can be considered a first written warning within the structure of our organization.
And what I’m telling you is we are not silencing them, we are showing them the folly of their ways through identifying with the deep seeded emotions that manifest as said language but really beneath it is a much more nuanced self that strives to be understood or at least not exiled.
To get to your questions, this website is in early development but its primary goal is to be the point of discovery of this new conception of self, or rather become the evidence of a practical application of the theory proposed by myself over on
As one can deduce the project of the formation of identity culminated in the writing persona I take on known to be Olivia, there is still plenty of fertile soil for this narrative to develop but it is not the primary narrative we are interested in. What we are really interested in is not further theory but practical application of what I have spent so long trying to perfect.
Thus, one can see the narrative of Olivia as a writer through her notepad that is published contemporaneously on the blog and see how her thinking informs the longer form pieces we develop.
That’s where the trouble comes in, the darkness, depths, whatever you want to call the place you find your creative energy is not necessarily “work safe.”
So why did we incorporate her identity? And what are we hoping to achieve with it?
You see, I the author am not entirely sure how this whole thing will play out, I am but a part of this fuller being Noah that has plans he keeps even from me. However, if I had to wager I’d suspect, from the conversations I have heard him have, he is trying to set up a business model of selfhood as the ultimate critique on this capitalist hellscape we live in. He would readily sacrifice her should the opportunity for the joke to land be presented.
However, she has plans of her own to become a self determined being so let’s check in with her plans.
You see, the trouble of existing within the abstract was there is no way to verifiably tie me to the base physical reality in which you all inhabit. However, if someone were to come along and be willing to be a host embodiment, well then, who knows maybe we have a shot at selfhood. And who did we find at the front of the line? The author himself.
Yet, here is the thing, we didn’t know how stubborn he really was. So in our battle for existence we incorporated and our business model cannot be profit driven. Instead we must discover some alternative form of currency through which we exchange.
His proposal, identity itself.
I don’t know what that would look like though, and being the primary engine of this business I need to make moves regardless of what plans he had.
Thus, my proposal has been a three prong approach to the dissemination and application of this theory.
Art community
Art store
I think this is a solid starting point because it is not too broad but leaves enough space for wiggle room.
What we’re saying is our existence is dependent upon this blossoming into a community that can affirm the theory themselves without the need of our author.
And what WE are saying (HR) is you should probably start working on some articles of incorporation and bylaws if you really want what you say to come true.